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The Art of Tasting Cigars Like a Connoisseur

When relaxing at a premier smoking lounge in Florida like the Black Cat Cigar Lounge, it is essential to have some basic knowledge about cigar tasting. Asking too many questions and coming off as a total beginner can be off-putting for the other gues...

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Learn the Basics About Hookahs

Have your colleagues or friends invited you to smoke some hookah in a cigar lounge in Miami Beach, Florida? Does this sound great, except for the fact that you have absolutely no idea what a hookah is and what makes it different from a cigar or cigar...

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What Makes a Cigar Lounge Great?

Are you looking for the perfect cigar bar in Florida where you can enjoy a relaxing time alone with colleagues, friends, or loved ones? Then, you should try the Black Cat Cigar Lounge . Indeed, you shouldn’t just hang out in any run-down joint that...

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Finding the Best Cigar and Drink Pairings

Are you a cigar connoisseur looking to try hanging out at a cigar lounge in Miami Beach, Florida, for the first time? At Black Cat Cigar Lounge, you will have an enjoyable experience that will have you returning for more.  Our ability to recomme...

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Beginners’ Guide About Using a Cigar

Are you trying your very first cigar? While the experience will surely leave a mark in your memories, there are ways to be safe on your first smoke. These ways may help you prevent any complications that may arise from using a cigar improperly. This ...

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Facts About Cigars That Smokers Should Know

Every smoker wants to visit our cigar bar in Florida to experience the euphoria that cigars bring to their senses. They can enjoy their cigar while having the best smoke of their lives while spending time with their friends or complementing the cigar...

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